Picture of Bill Signing for MaCCRA Sponsored Bill 2024

MACCRA bill signed by Governor Wes Moore 2024

This image shows the signing ceremony for the Continuing Care Retirement Communities Governing Bodies, Grievances, and Entrance Fees bill passed by the Maryland General Assembly in the 2024 session. The bill was supported by MaCCRA. Governor Wes Moore signed the bill on Thursday, April 25, 2024. 

The dignitaries seated in the front row, from left to right are:

The Honorable Susan Lee – Secretary of State
Nicole Zander – Senate Secretary (Desk Officer)
Senator Bill Ferguson – President of the Senate
Governor Wes Moore
Delegate Adrienne Jones – Speaker of the House
Sylvia Siegert – House Chief Clerk (Desk Officer)

The Senate Secretary and House Chief Clerk are staff positions and serve administrative roles for the Senate and House.

In the back row are
Dan Philipp, Collington MaCCRA chapter Vice-president
Barbara Brocato, MaCCRA’s legislative liaison
Robert LeBrun, Fairhaven resident, MaCCRA member
DanTracy, MACCRA 2nd Vice-president, Mercy Ridge MaCCRA chapter President
Lorrie Rogers, Collington MaCCRA chapter President
Delegate Terri Hill
Scott Tiffin – Senator Lam’s Chief of Staff
Adela LeBrun, MACCRA 1st Vice-president, Fairhaven MaCCRA chapter President
Delegate Harry Bhandari
Abbey Rubeling – Senator Lam’s Staff (hidden behind Del. Bhandari’s head

Delegates Hill and Bhadari were cosponsors of HB 68. Senator Lam was lead sponsor of SB 76.